
Carrying out our evangelizing mission
Requires adequate intellectual formation. Therefore, members:
- Pursue university studies and, to the extent possible, engage in postgraduate studies.
- Study philosophy, theology, social doctrine of the Church.
- Catechesis and communication skills.
The goal is to provide formation, according to the personal calling of each individual, that enables them to proclaim the Gospel message to humanity and effectively collaborate in making the Kingdom of Christ present.
Since human maturity involves the harmonious development of faculties, members strive to achieve balance in the formation of their mental, volitional, and affective faculties.
Areas of Formation
To choose the personal area of formation, one must be attentive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, as well as consider:
- One’s own talents and natural inclinations.
- The demands of life, the mission of the Society of Apostolic Life and of Regnum Christi.
- The needs of the society in which one feels called to work with.
Formation in the stages of life

Discernment Course
The first stage of formation is an intensive period of discernment and prayer that aims to:
- Deepen the vocational calling, supporting the individual in the process of listening and discerning their call.
- Gain a deeper understanding of lay consecration in Regnum Christi, including the content and experience of the vows, community life, mission, formation, spiritual life, apostolate, Regnum Christi’s charism, and stages of life in the Society.
- Foster a deeper knowledge of oneself in order to delve into one’s own motives, motivations, and suitability for this vocation.

The next stage is candidacy, which consists of a two-year period divided as follows:
- The first year is devoted exclusively to human and spiritual formation.
- During the second year, academic and apostolic activities are resumed or initiated.
- The purpose of candidacy is for the members to gain a better understanding of lay consecration in Regnum Christi, acquire habits of life in accordance with it, and strenghten their decision to follow Christ along this path.

Temporary Vows
The first vows are temporary, during this stage the goal is to assist the individual in their discernment and vocational consolidation, as well as prepare them for the final vows. The formation in this and all stages aims to integrate spiritual, apostolic, academic, and community life.
In this stage, the formation is focused on fully experiencing this lifestyle with all its implications. Therefore, the following objectives are pursued during this stage:
- Cultivating a deep Eucharistic and prayer life.
- Delving into the study of Christian spirituality.
- Deepening the knowledge of Regnum Christi’s spirituality and apostolic methodology.
- Acquiring a proper mastery of disciplines that can be most helpful in their future apostolic ministry.
- Learning to fulfill the duties of their lay state without neglecting those of their consecration.

Ongoing Formation
After the stage of temporary vows which culminates, after six years, with the profession of final vows, formation continues as an ongoing aspect of the life of the lay consecrated men.
The lay consecrated men must continue to be formed in all aspects of their life: spiritual, professional, and apostolic formation. All aspects of our formation are directed to better serve God and our neighbors.