RC Lay Consecrated Men


We are men who have answered a call to totally surrender our lives to God in Regnum Christi, striving to radiate Christ from within the culture, transforming  it into a place of encounter with God.

We respond entirely to God's call

Lay consecrated men dedicate their entire lives and strengths to the service of God's plan, embracing poverty, chastity, and obedience. They live in community, integrating prayer and action with a strong desire to transform the world for Christ through tireless and unconditional apostolic work.

Regnum Christi

We make the mission, experience, and charism of Regnum Christi our own, sharing it in all that we do. We accompany other Regnum Christi members on their journey towards the fullness of the Christian vocation.

Dedicated to Sharing
Christ's Light

We find the strength for our actions in Christ, particularly in the Eucharist, with a deep desire to experience Him and allow ourselves to be transformed by Him. Responding to His grace, we seek to be His witnesses in the world.

Living in the world to transform it into a place of encounter with God.

We form ourselves personally and professionally to delve into understanding temporal affairs in order to transform them with the Gospel message. We seek to bear witness and be silent, effective leaven in the world, through our work.


Our Identity

To understand our identity, it is necessary to comprehend the three dimensions that constitute our vocation (being lay, consecrated, and belonging to Regnum Christi).


The specific aspect of a lay vocation is to collaborate with God in the redemption of temporal affairs, that is, to ensure that all things are liberated from the roots of sin and selfishness and that they become a place of encounter with God: work, family, rest, communication, economy, politics, health, education, ecology, art, and so on. The layperson understands evangelization as the ordering of all these aspects of life according to God´s plan. This is the secular nature of the layperson: dedicated to temporal matters.

The lay consecrated has the mission of revealing the ultimate meaning of all things, leading humanity to its fullness and facilitating its encounter with God.

Regnum Christi

The vocation of the lay consecrated men comes from and deeply identifies with the spiritual family of Regnum Christi, a charism inspired by God so that many Christians can live out their call to holiness by collaborating with its mission. 

The mission  of Regnum Christi is  to make present the mystery of Christ who goes out to people, reveals the love of his heart to them, gathers them together and forms them as apostles and Christian leaders, sends them out, and accompanies them as they collaborate in the evangelization of people and of society. Therefore, the lay consecrated men identify with the spirituality and apostolic charism of Regnum Christi, contributing the gift of their lay consecration to the mission, life, and development of Regnum Christi and its ministry.


God has desired to raise up consecrated vocations within Regnum Christi. Unlike other lay members of Regnum Christi, the lay consecrated men take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, living a communal fraternal life. Through their consecration, they give their lives completely to Christ and remain fully available for the mission of the Church in Regnum Christi

Lay consecrated men bear prophetic witness to the Kingdom of Christ through the living out of the evangelical counsels in the form of private vows. Through the vow of poverty, they proclaim to others the true meaning of money and possessions, freeing them from all idolatry, materialism, and greed.

Through the vow of obedience, they proclaim to others the true meaning of authority and service, helping them to act with freedom in the face of the temptation to seek only the fulfillment of their own will.

Through the vow of chastity, they bear witness to the true meaning of sexuality and love, freeing themselves from the idolatry of sex and the temptation to use others for personal gain. With God’s grace, they demonstrate the vocation that humanity has to love as God loves and to see each person as God sees them.

The Nature of a Layperson

The lay consecrated men seek to show their love for God by professionally carrying out their apostolate and striving for continuous improvement in order to serve others in the best possible way. They act with responsibility and professional competence in the places where they carry out their apostolic mission.

By identifying with Christ as one of his people and being close to their brothers and sisters, the lay consecrated men feel called to develop a genuine sense of closeness to each person in their temporal affair. They are called to be a neighbor to every person. For the lay consecrated men, no human reality is indifferent,  like Christ, they stand in solidarity with all people, embracing the universal law of work and submitting to the demands of secular life, to accompany others from within their own realities.

The common baptismal dignity assumes in the lay faithful a modality that distinguishes them, without separating them, from the priest, the religious, men and women.  The Second Vatican Council has described this manner of life as the “secular character”: “The secular character is properly and particularly that of the lay faithful” … “The term secular must be understood in light of the act of God the creator and redeemer, who has handed over the world to women and men, so that they may participate in the work of creation, free creation from the influence of sin and sanctify themselves in marriage or the celibate life, in a family, in a profession and in the various activities of society”.

Christifideles laici 15

Community Life

Like all members of Regnum Christi, the lay consecrated men value and live the spirit of team life, experiencing fraternal life in community. Through community life, they bear witness to the call to live in communion, just as Christ lived with His apostles and as it is lived in the communion of saints. They learn to discover the face of God in each person, loving them as God loves them, and living in the spirit of Trinitarian communion, in a constant act of giving and receiving. In this way, communities of lay consecrated men are called to make present in the world this way of loving as God does, in unity and communion.


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