RC Lay Consecrated Men


We contribute to bringing the Kingdom of Christ to the hearts of people and of society.


As lay consecrated men, we
seek to

  1. Evangelize and  launch people apostolically, so they may put their talents at the service of the Kingdom of God.
  2. Promote the growth, consolidation, and development of Regnum Christi and its apostolates, as well as ECYD.
  3. Form teachers of the faith.
  4. Collaborate in the evangelization of temporal affairs, also through the engagement in our own professions.
  5. Support the local Church.

Prophetic Witness

Regnum Christi

Prayer and total self-giving

Evangelization of the World


Our lay consecration aims to show that Christ fills life with meaning and joy and that this is accessible to each and every person.

Like Christ and with Him, each one of us aims to be a brother to those around us, and dedicate our lives to evangelize people, society, and culture from within our professional spheres and in collaboration with others. Specifically, we contribute to this mission by:

Prophetic Witness

Being in the world but not of the world, in total and exclusive surrender to the love of Christ and His Kingdom, proclaiming Christ to all people, with a burning apostolic soul.

Evangelization of Temporal Affairs

Announcing to others the meaning and value they have in God's plan.

Availability, charity, professional competence, and joy

in service to Regnum Christi, the Church, and humanity.

Promotion of fraternal communion

among all members of the Regnum Christi family.

Prayer, work, and the offering

of one's life to God.

The lay consecrated men of Regnum Christi have been called by Christ to be with Him and proclaim Him.

We build the Kingdom of Christ with our lives and dedication, working with full commitment  at the service of the Church and humanity, evangelizing temporal affairs. In fulfilling our mission, we can carry out our apostolic ministry in Regnum Christi or outside of it.

The personal experience of Christ’s love ignites in the heart an inner urgency to passionately dedicate oneself to making His Kingdom present.

Without excluding any type of apostolate, we orient our apostolic activity primarily towards:

  • Helping each person to put their talents at the service of the Kingdom of God.
  • Promoting the growth, consolidation, and development of Regnum Christi and its apostolates.
  • Creating evangelizing works and networks in various professional or social environments.
  • Forming true teachers of the faith.
  • Engaging in temporal affairs to bring the good news of the Gospel to people and society.
  • Actively collaborating with the local Church.
  • Promoting initiatives that support the economy of Regnum Christi.

For the exercise of their apostolic ministry, lay consecrated men rely on their professional competence, which they put at the service of the mission in the tasks entrusted to them.

It is important to be aware that everything that a lay consecrated man does has an inherent apostolic dimension. 

Therefore, lay consecrated men strive to be witnesses of God’s love by performing their professional tasks competently as an instrument of evangelization, always maintaining the supernatural sense of what they do.

Lay consecrated men seek to transform  their own social and professional spheres, with the criteria of Christ, through apostolic initiative.

Aware of living within a specific cultural context

We show you where we stand in the world.

We seek to sanctify the world from within, remaining faithful to our vocation and identity as a prophetic sign of the radicality of the Gospel.

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